TVToyc Prerelease January 1994 Far Niente Productions Prerelease Information Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß This is the current status of the TVToyc project, a port of the TVToys (for Pascal) package. I dislike BC a lot, and I don't know enough C or C++ to do this justice. Without your help, TVToyc will be buried and forgotten for good, so try to improve it, volunteer to port more code (it's dead boring, but very easy) or at least let me know if you liked it. Without user support this project is dead. Contents Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßß Introduction Copyright Short Description Package File List Instructions Compatibility Testing Coding Style Protected Mode Information Overlay Information PC Video Modes Video 7 The Improved Help File Extended Video Mode Support Code Credits Author, Support, Info, Bugs etc To Do List Introduction Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Welcome to TVToyc! This is a collection of useful stuff that should be available to all Turbo Vision programmers. It is intended for Borland C++ 3.x with Turbo Vision but the [font, palette] and video mode code can be used in plain text mode without Turbo Vision. THE SOURCE IS FREE AND COMES WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER. I hope that you will find this package useful. Have fun with it! Copyright Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßß You may use this package for free and pass it on to other persons as long as you clearly state, in the header as well as in the code, all changes made to the original code. You may not pass along compiled versions of the source, except as executable files. You may also upload this package, unmodified, to bulletin boards or other public access places. There must be no charge associated with this package, though you may include the unmodified package as a whole in shareware/freeware compilations if only a nominal amount is charged for the compilation disk. I strongly urge people with money to spare to donate a small token of appreciation in the $20 range. That's 5 campus meals for me. Short Description Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß This package includes: An improved Help viewer with back tracking and the possibility to add Contents and Index pages or whatever without recompiling the help engine. Extended video mode support. Code that determines what video modes are available and presents a list for the user to choose from. Video7 and VESA support included. WHAT THIS PACKAGE COULD INCLUDE: Custom fonts. Support for three different font file formats. Palette routines. Change the EGA/VGA palette. A mouse unit that limits the effects of buggy mouse drivers in extended video modes. Three demonstration programs, personal configuration files. Package File List Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß The package consists of the following files: TEST.CPP Main test program TEST.MAK Attempt at make file for TEST.CPP HELP.H HELP.CPP HELPBASE.H HELPBASE.CPP Improved HelpFile with back tracking and external commands HELPCTX.H Help contexts generated by TVHC HELPTEST.HLP Demo help text compiled with TVHC HELPTEST.TXT The Help text source VIDEO.H VIDEO.CPP A unit supporting extended video mode setting and searching MODEDLG.H MODEDLG.CPP Dialog for presenting and selecting video modes TVVIDEO.H TVVIDEO.CPP TV support for all the new video modes TOYCFG.H Your personal configuration file VESA.H VESA.CPP VESA support routines README.TXT This text. Instructions Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß The demonstration program relies on the improved help code included in this package, so you should make sure it gets used instead of Turbo Vision's normal help engine. The program called TEST is a very simple demonstration of the help and the video mode detection. Run it for a quick demonstration. If your mouse behaves oddly at times when running TEST, you need NEWMOUSE, a not yet ported mouse remedy against bug ridden mouse drivers. The mouse cursor also jumps around when you change video modes, but that's because the cursor stays at the same position relative to the upper left corner. Convention: Uppercase words are file names, like TEST and TOYCFG. A "section" is a paragraph in this file, having the section name for header. Compatibility Testing Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß This code has mainly been tested on three machines: þ A 286 with with a Chips VGA card and an EGA monitor. Also tested with a Video7 card which provided 132 column output on the EGA monitor. No protected mode. First development machine. þ An IBM PS/1 486/33 with Tseng VGA chips. VERY slow at scanning. First protected mode attempts. þ A Dual monitor Compaq 386 Portable with a Video7 VGA card and Super VGA monitor. Current development platform. I have tested three mouse drivers on the Video 7 equipped 386: Microsoft Mouse driver version 8.20 and earlier does not work with extended text modes, it assumes them to be graphics modes. All Logitech mouse drivers should work with all text modes, I have only tested version 6.20. Genius mouse driver version 10.20 does not work, it doesn't realize what width the screen is. NewMouse fixes all this, but if the mouse driver is buggy (like Genius) there might be minor annoyances like the cursor jumping or temporarily disappearing at mode switches. I suggest that you check what mouse driver you are using, there are usually several on every hard disk. I use Microsoft's driver version 8.20 even though it's buggy, but you know what you get. VESA compatibility was tested using a PD Video7 TSR on the 386. UNIVESA.EXE by Kendall Bennett is NOT a full VESA implementation, it focuses solely on graphics video modes and will not provide the necessary information to avoid having to physically test every video mode. If you promptly have to use UNIVESA or UNIVBE release 4.2 or earlier on a Video 7 video card, make sure you define V7UniVesaKludge, since there is a Video 7 specific bug in UNIVESA. Future versions of UNIVESA will probably not suffer from this. Coding Style Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß I'm a C++ novice, and the source is a Pascal port with some changes on the way. If you have suggestions or even better rewritten code I'll be happy to see it. I admit the current version could be a lot better. Protected Mode Information Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß All the code has been tested in protected mode, especially the Video7, Vesa and NewMouse code, but only in the Pascal version. I have not ported the protected mode code since I lack information on BC Dos extenders, and I don't have a Dos extender for BC++, so I couldn't test it anyway. I've left the Pascal DPMI implementation if you feel inclined. Overlay Information Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß You can overlay all units EXCEPT NewMouse, which contains an interrupt handler. It's a very small unit anyway, about 530 bytes. PC Video Modes Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Turbo Vision only knows about three video modes, and there is a reason for that. These three are the only "standard" 80 column text modes, all other video modes are manufacturer specific. All modes are referred to by number, and the three Turbo Vision knows about are number 2, 3 and 7. Numbers range from 0 to 127, where most of the first 19 are used by VGA cards. Numbers above 19 are used for extended video modes. Naturally, all manufacturers number their video modes differently, even if the screen size is the same. This means that you can't easily set a 80x60 video mode, for instance, since you wouldn't know what mode number to refer to unless you know the brand of the video card. You might not even know if the video card supports 80x60, but your program could find out. The monitor might not like 80x60 either, but a program cannot detect if a VGA monitor is suited for Super VGA video modes. There is a function, TVideoList::findSimilarVideoMode(Cols,Rows), that will return the number of a video mode which is about Cols wide and Rows high. You can pass the mode number to setSpecialVideoMode directly. Remember to use scanVideoModes first. findSimilarVideoMode uses a simple approach, but you can write your own algorithm. Video 7 Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßß This package supports Video 7 video cards. Certain design decisions were made with Video 7 in mind (overly complicating things). Video 7 cards do not recognize any text video mode numbers above 19 (see above) if you use the normal BIOS interrupt call, you must use a special Video 7 call. On the other hand, video mode 1 corresponds to the last Video 7 specific video mode set with such a Video 7 call. That is, if you set a 80x60 video mode with a Video 7 interrupt (the only way), you can use a normal BIOS call setting mode 1 and get the last Video 7 specific mode set. This also means that if you ask a Video 7 BIOS in the normal way what video mode is set, the answer will be 1 for all extended video modes. This creates problems as mode 1 is a standard 40x25 mode. Sometimes you will get a 40x25 mode when you least expect it, usually when you terminate your program abnormally inside the IDE. This only happens if you have a Video 7 video card. The Improved Help File Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß HELPFILE is an improved help file with back tracking and custom key help screens. See TEST for a demonstration. The help code is a modified TV 1.03 help with some bugs removed. There should be no difficulty upgrading your programs to use the improved help engine, just make your application object inherit TToyApp and define a status line. Make sure you set helpFileName to your application's help file name and everything will be taken care of for you. Extended Video Mode Support Code Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß The units Video, ModeDlg, TVVideo and VESA provide extended video mode support. See TEST for a demonstration. You CANNOT use smFont8x8 with TVToys any more. REMOVE all references to it. Video7 and VESA support are defined automatically. Modify TOYCFG to your liking. VESA function calls take priority. checkVideoType will still look for all video types supported, though. You can check for only some video types by changing the videoTypesToCheck variable. checkEVGA will always be called, this works with most computers, but not the Vesa and Video 7 checks. This is a Video BIOS problem on some machines. The Vesa implementation might also be so buggy that the user rather lived without it. videoTypesToCheck lets you configure video support at run time. How it all works: (This is a very long description! If you inherit TToyApp all you have to do is copy the uses list, some HandleEvent lines, the cmXXXX list and some menu code from TEST to make things work) First call checkVideoType. This will set videoType, video7 and vesaVersion to appropriate values. If vesaVersion is zero, no Vesa support was detected. (TToyApp::Init does this for you). You can call checkVesa, checkVideo7 and checkEVGA yourself if you want greater control, or use videoTypesToCheck. Call TVideoList::setup to construct a list of available video modes. If a VESA video card is detected, attempts will be made to directly inquire about available video modes. This might not be supported by the video card since it is not mandatory in the VESA standard. If the VESA test fails, scanEVGAModes will be used to determine video modes. scanEVGAModes takes a somewhat simple and stupid approach to determine what video modes are available: It tries to set every video mode from 0 to 127 to see if the BIOS responds by setting more or less legal values in the BIOS data segment. This might not work all that well all the time, see TEST for a list of caveats. The only other way (apart from VESA) of determining available video modes is to use lists of all video modes for all cards manufactured. Use selectVideoModeDialog to put up a TV dialog that lets the user choose from available modes. To avoid unnecessary scanning, you can save and restore the scanning results to/from disk. If you don't like the format of the information (not very easy to read, maybe?) presented in the selection dialog, make changes in the addMode procedure in MODEDLG. To use the video mode routines, use this as a checklist: 1) Always start out by determining the current video system. (TToyApp::TToyApp handles all this automatically) checkVideoType; (* Always start with this command *) 2) Check that we're in fact dealing with a EGA/VGA before using scanEVGAModes. You can simply shut off the command: if videoType=OTHER then disableCommands([cmVideoMode, cmVideoLines, cm14p, cm16p]); 3) Put up some sort of warnings before we start scanning... TVideoList::hasToScan is false if we already know what video modes are available. vesaScanningPossible is true if we don't have to physically set every video mode to see if it is supported. You might want to put up different warnings depending on what will actually happen. 4) To scan and then select video mode: TVideoList::setup(); selectVideoModeDialog(); If you use resources, try this: TVideoList::setup(); selectVideoMode( (TSelectVideoModeDialog*) rezFile.get('VideoModeDialog')); 5) To save the video modes found during scanning, use StoreVideoModes: var S : TDosStream; RegisterObjects; S.Init('VIDEOTST.INI', stCreate); StoreVideoModes(S); S.Done; Use LoadVideoModes to restore them. See RESTEST for an advanced example. 6) Remember to change all your old references to setScreenMode to setSpecialScreenMode, but... 7) YOU CANNOT USE smFont8x8! TVToys does not support this any longer, there is now a toggleVideoLines procedure. You can also use the setInternalFont(internal8x8Font) procedure. 8) This code has to trash Turbo Vision's startUpMode to get by "internal security". Since Video7 cards use video mode 1 to signify the last extended video mode used, special care must be taken to provide intelligent startupMode behaviour if TOYVIDEO7SUPPORT is defined. TToyApp uses TVideoState objects and handles everything transparently for you. Credits Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßß All dialogs designed and generated with Dialog Design 4.0 available on Compuserve and by anonymous ftp to in directory /pc/turbovis and in /pub/msdos/turbovis. Thanks to David Baldwin, who also contributed the original ColorTxt unit and an ATI fix. NewMouse, VESA and DPMI bug fixes and lots of other suggestions from Marek Bojarski without whom TVToys would be buggier than a mouse driver. I finally found a VESA TSR for Video7 that contained TEXT mode support. Thanks to Gary Lorenson. All Video7 and VESA information derived from Ralf Brown's famous interrupt listing. DPMI information from Borland source and the official DPMI specifications. This project would have been utterly impossible without the help of Borland's run time source, or for that matter, Borland Pascal 7.0... Author, Support, Info, Bugs etc Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß If you would like to see further enhancements to this code, write me a letter telling me what you like and don't like, what works and what doesn't, and what improvements you want to see. Since I am a computer science student with no income, I would very much appreciate a financial contribution. Get in touch with me if you feel that you want to support this package financially. Unfortunately a check costs me SEK 70 (almost $10) to cash in, so cash or wire is best for me! I accept orders for the latest version and will send invoices by arrangement. Bug reports, enhancements, contributions, credits, postcards and money are always welcome! My internet address: You can reach me from CompuServe by sending mail to: Mail: Peter Brandstr”m (Peter Brandstrom) Roslagsgatan 10 S-113 55 Stockholm Sweden, Europe To Do List Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß A TToyApp class that overrides TApplications getEvent and getPalette Putting the VESA code into an object More objects, less global symbol litter Some sort of way (make file) to get the modified help code into the TV.LIB file without fuss.